
Tavia Yeung sucking money in Mainland, wants to be the Evilest of China

Tavia Yeung is currently in Hengdian shooting a Mainland series, but still cares about her new series The Rippling Blossom. As the series is scheduled to broadcast during the Lunar New Year period, Tavia frankly said: "The TV ratings will definitely be affected a little, but I am not too worried. I am personally very optimistic, what's most important is that I have a series broadcasting!" After The Mysteries of Love, she currently has 3 series that has not released yet, so she can comfortably allow TVB to schedule her shoot in Mainland and earn some extra income: "This time, I'm collaborating with Patrick Tam in a costume drama, a villain lead actress. This is my first Mainland series, Chinese Yuan, I'm coming!"

Praises Ron Ng

In the series, Tavia plays a role similar to her villain role Yiu Kam Ling in Beyond the Realm of Conscience and is also about evil concubines battling in the palace. Tavia said: "See if I can go to the limit this time, last time in Hong Kong I already got so evil, I may not necessarily be able to do it again, haha... I want to be the evilest one in all of China! (Not afraid stereotypes?) Before Ron Ng's evil role in Pretty Maid was a breakthrough, he rarely does evil roles. At first I felt scared for him, but later I realized that Mainland's audience are very rational."

Sold herself to TVB

Tavia frankly said during Beyond it wasn't a deliberate transformation, this time in Mainland series it is a good attempt because she knows she's not the 'girl next door' anymore, she doesn't want to be the plain characters anymore. Asked if she's taking advantage of this opportunity for a stepping stone, is she going to be Charmaine Sheh focusing or evening leaving TVB for outside work? Tavia smiled: "TVB sent me out to shoot this series, regardless of fame and fortune, it is good for TVB and I. I'm singing with TVB for life!"

