
Tavia Yeung – A tasty mineral water

A lot of peoples said that Tavia Yeung is a boring person when she talks. However, when I interviewed her today, she mentioned something that I nearly cried and there were tears in her eyes too. It was not the losing out of Imperial Concubine Lai on Best Actress award to Fourth Mistress Sheren Tang. It was also not because of shedding tears on gaining Most Favourite Female Character and Best Performance awards.

Tavia Yeung is a stable person no matter in her performance or personality. Even when she received 2 awards, she did not cry and we could just see the slight tears in her red eyes. “I’m already too happy! I’ve never thought of fighting for any awards. Everyone knows that Sheren Tang deserves for Best actress award. Winning these 2 awards led me to strive further and set Best Actress award as my future target. These 2 awards are enough recognition for me.”

As first line actress and still young, she will not fight for short achievements. She is also not as what written by tabloid magazines that she broke up with 5 year’s fatty boyfriend who owes money and chose Chris Lai. She does not think of fatty boyfriend and treats Chris Lai as her buddy. When mentioned about her love life, she created lousy jokes, “I’m very dry! So after I bathe, I will put a lot of lotion!”

Tavia is 30 years old and films series for 10 years. This time, she portrayed such an evil role in series. Her private life is like a normal person who starts and finishes work without gossips. When I mentioned that her life is just like a mineral water, she disagreed with me. “Those that feel that I’m tasteless actually do not know how to appreciate me.”

The Story Of Little Rabbit

The story of mineral water that made me wanted to cry was actually regarding the death of her little rabbit in her house. Tavia said, “His name is Little B. I kept him for 5 years and he was always cute and lovely. That year, an advertising company bought him as a tool to shoot some photos with me. After the shooting, nobody wanted to take him home. He was so little and cute that time so I pitied him and brought him home.”

“Before this, there were problems with his teeth and he couldn’t eat well. Everyone felt he was scary looking but he was a strong rabbit. Regarding relationship, everyone is selfish. Regarding loved ones, nobody will want to give up them. Everyone would try all the best to save their [family].”

“He felt very ill a month before he died. Every day I would bring him out from the cage and let him to take a fresh breath. He was obedient and would not pee everywhere as he was afraid that we would scold him. He would do everything in his cage. The morning before he died, I needed to travel out of country for work. Before I went out from the house, I held his hands and said, “You must be strong! You must carry on! Anyhow also must wait for me to come back!” He used strange eyesight while looking at me. It seemed like he was telling me that he would miss me.”

Spirit of loyalty

Before this, reporters would only write how boring Tavia Yeung is. This is because she only expresses her real feelings towards her family and pet. “For HK citizens, my entertainment news is tasteless. But for those that need me, I’m their supports.”

Tavia Yeung who grew up in Shatin has a sister who also entered the same industry with her, Griselda Yeung. She has 2 fathers as her mother re-married when she was 7 years old. She treated her step-father like her own biological father. Her stepfather passed away in 2005 and she learnt that she must put more appreciations on her mother. Now, she hopes that she can earn more money so that she can bring her mother for vacation every year. Her sister gave birth to a baby girl last month and now Tavia Yeung has the motivation to go back to visit her niece after she finishes work every day.

“I will accidentally waken her up whenever she is sleeping. I will play with her and take photos with her. Now only I know I have strong motherly affections! Sometimes when I’m hugging her, I will have the rush to get married and have own children. BB actually gives special feelings to peoples!”

Tavia Yeung entered TVB Training Class in 1999 and continues filming series after she graduated from secondary school. Other than Chris Lai who was rumoured dating her recently, there were no other male artistes involved in rumours with her. She is totally different than Charmaine Sheh. She was only rumoured to have a boyfriend outside the entertainment circles, Lam Wai Kit. The tabloid magazines wrote that Tavia Yeung broke up with this boyfriend after knowing that he owed debts from other peoples. However, Tavia Yeung mentioned earlier that she will help if the guy needs help. She always use “good buddies” when she mentions both of them.

“I’m someone that loves peace. I will help whenever my friends need it. Just like recently one of my female friends was bullied by her boyfriend. I called her boyfriend and scolded him. At last they got back together. There is no necessary to thank me. I will do whatever I can do.”

More evil

Tavia has filmed more than 40 series all these years. In 2001, she was noticed by everyone as she resembled Maggie Cheung Ho Yee and they collaborated together in TVB series, “The Awakening Story”. After that, most of her time was used on filming series. However, most of the roles were portraying good girls. Until when she received Best Supporting Actress based on her Lo Lui role in Moonlight Resonance, she was considered having a representative series. This time the Imperial Concubine Lai in [Beyond], although there were criticisms that she wasn’t evil enough, but she gained a lot of supports from audiences and won Most Favourite Female Character and Best Performance awards. In the series, she kept on repeat the line,“You are just as stupid as a pig”, “We have to do all sorts of evil deeds in palace”… Many netizens regarded these as golden words.

“Most suffering part when filming this series was the long and hard dialogues. Actually I know that it is not the time for me to win Best Actress yet. I was afraid that audiences would be disappointed before the series aired. Actually I can be more evil for this role. I asked for this role from the producer. She asked me whether I would regret or not at that time. I was firm and told her that I would not regret. I’ve been filming series for 8, 9 years. I really need a change.”

A good person will feel boring one day. She said that she loves the life without big changes. However during her schooling life, she was not as obedient as we thought. “Actually I was very naughty when I was still small. I always absent from class during primary school. During music lessons, I would sneak out with my classmates. Maybe because I did not have talent on music, hahaha! But we would not drink alcohols and had fun. The most we did was window shopping.”

During photo shooting time, cameraman requested for an evil expression from her. However, cameraman and I couldn’t stop laughing when she tried to make that expression. She said,“My horoscope is goat. My surname is also Yeung. Same goes to my personality. So, what can I become besides than goat if I have to become an animal? However, maybe I’m a goat with the skin of wolf. Hahahaha!” She is just like those drunkards that insist they are not drunk. Just like if Tavia Yeung says she is an evil person, nobody will believe her.

Of course, Fa Dan who really uses trick to do evil deeds must have already bought large bungalow or married into a rich family. They don’t have to continue suffering and being criticized by audiences. Tavia Yeung who does not go beyond her own bound, stays in an apartment in TKO City.

“What personality one has is just like what type of hairstyle one owns. Just like me. If I choose a boyfriend, I will choose honest type. This field is complicated. I hope that I will find a boyfriend which is not from entertainment circles. However, those that I see every day are from entertainment circle.”

I will kill you

“I will kill you!” Tavia Yeung exclaimed loudly in front of me. I’m not General Ma or Lau Sam Ho. I’m not involved in the production too! When we were discussing about middle age woman, she said, “Is it like those uncles? Nobody called me that before. Why not you try it?” I followed her instructions and returned by the four words. After that, it was followed by her laughter, hahaha! To attract a girl’s attention, actually all we need to do is to call them “middle age woman”.

