
Tavia Yeung – Price to pay for famous

This was the first time Tavia Yeung transformed into a “wicked concubine” role. Instead of being detested by peoples, she gained a lot of supports from audiences. She was regarded as hot favourite for Best Actress award this year and competed with Sheren Tang. As for the strong competitors, Tavia Yeung expressed that she was satisfied enough to be nominated. Now although she lost out the Best Actress award and attacked by Charmaine Sheh’s fans who were not satisfied that she won 2 awards, however Tavia Yeung is satisfied enough with both of the awards on her hands and does not want to care about all the gossips.

All these while, Tavia Yeung chases for stability in her career. In the 10 years of her career road, she never thought of instant success. She entered TVB Acting Training Class in 1999 and started from bottom. From a role without name, without surname and without dialogues to the girl who helped to bring out the awards, she entered the drama group not long after that. She received Best Improved Actress award in 2003 based on her role in Vigilante Force and she received Best Supporting Actress award last year based on her good crying skills as Lo Lui in Moonlight Resonance. This year, she was regarded as hot favourite for Best Actress based on her first villain role and competed with Sheren Tang. Tavia Yeung lost out on Best Actress awards but at the same time won Most Favourite Female Character and Best Performance awards. Although they were regarded as consolation awards by TVB, however for Tavia Yeung who works very hard all these years, every award is a big encouragement for her.

Will not mind being scolded by Charmaine Sheh’s fans

As female lead for Beyond The Realm Of Conscience, Tavia Yeung admitted that there were definitely pressures for it but the pressures were not from awards but were from the expectations of herself instead. “As this was my first time portraying villain role, I would put more focus on my acting skills more than anything else. Of course everyone wants to win awards! However the competitors were too strong this year and I was satisfied enough to be nominated this year. Of course I supported Sheren Tang in terms of Best Actress award. She has great acting skills and audiences love her. She should have won the award long time ago. Now she really won the awards and of course everyone would cheer for her.” Pressures can be reduced for those that know how to relax. Tavia Yeung had already prepared a beautiful gown no matter there were awards for her or not on that night.

Regarding the attacks from Charmaine Sheh’s fans that she didn’t deserve for both awards, she doesn’t feel anything. This is because for her, Charmaine Sheh is a good actress so she understands Charmaine’s fans’ feelings. She also highly praised Charmaine Sheh’s acting skills. “She really did very well. She could control her tears anytime. Her position will not be affected as her acting skills are stable.” Although there were many people mentioned that it is not easy to be friends with Charmaine Sheh, but at last both of them became very good friends as both of their characters are straightforward.

Tavia Yeung has been waiting for many years until she accepted “Yiu Kam Ling’s role. “I was very happy that I was not portraying Lau Sam Ho. This is because if I portray a good person again, then it will make no difference with my previous roles. Actually all these while, I told company that I wanted to challenge myself. At last, I’ve waited for it.” Tavia Yeung learnt villain skills from Suzanna Kwan and Michelle Yim. This was because she had many quarreling scenes with Charmaine Sheh and therefore she learnt their acting skills from Heart Of Greed and Moonlight Resonance. She highly praised both of them for their quarreling skills with rhythm.

Tavia Yeung was worried that her evilness would over since this was her first time portraying villain role. There were some parts whereby producer asked for retakes and asked her to do to the extent. “I also want to be scolded by audiences on the street. It means that I portrayed the role well.” The truth is her evilness brought her 2 awards and she was really scolded by Charmaine’s fans.

It is a familiar collaboration between Moses Chan and Tavia Yeung. There was even higher level of mutual understandings amongst them in the collaboration this time. Tavia Yeung laughed and said, “As this was ancient series so it would be slightly different with love scenes in modern series. Both of us are too close and sometimes we couldn’t control ourselves and kept on laughing.” Although [Beyond] was praised by audiences that having attractive hair ornaments, Tavia laughed and said that only she knew the sufferings and this was the heaviest hair ornaments that she had ever worn after she entered this industry for 10 years. Quite a number of female casts like Michelle Yim and Susan Tse used neck hoop to protect their necks during filming breaks.

