TVB’s currently aired series, The Rippling Blossom "魚躍在花見" contains the most exceptional scenery found in recent years. Segments of the series were filmed in Furano, Otaru, Sapporo , Hakodate and other places in Japan . The Rippling Blossom star, Tavia Yeung Yi, admitted that she often frequented Japan during her vacation breaks due to its shopping opportunities. However, Tavia especially loved Otaru for its romance!
Aside from Tokyo , Tavia was unable to visit other parts of Japan in the past. Since the filming of The Rippling Blossom took place in Hokkaido , Tavia was able to enjoy the stunning local scenery. “I was so happy! No words can describe the beautiful scenery in Hokkaido . Although it was very cold during the filming, this did not affect my happy mood.” Tavia also praised the local cuisine; her favorite was seafood and the fresh fruit. Since she ate a lot of food while in Hokkaido , Tavia gained a bit of weight.
While filming in Japan , Tavia took advantage of the opportunity to enjoy the local attractions. Tavia and Myolie Wu Hang Yee filmed at Hoheikyo hot springs for a scene in The Rippling Blossom. While soaking in the hot springs , Tavia took the opportunity to relax. If there is a chance, Tavia would like to take her mother to soak in Japan ’s hot springs in the snowy weather.
Since The Rippling Blossom focused on food-related content, the cast and crew often filmed at the Tsukiji Fish Market. Tavia said, “I’ve never been to the fish market in Hong Kong, so it was quite an experience to see the fish market in Japan .” However, Tavia’s most beloved location in Japan was Otaru. Due to its romantic scenery, lovers would be mesmerized by Otaru’s beautiful locale. When will Tavia be traveling to Otaru with her boyfriend? Tavia laughed, “I can not do that right now, since I do not have a boyfriend. When there is an opportunity to do so, I will let you know! Ha ha!”
Since the Japanese Yen has soared in recent years, Tavia joked that she has to support the Hong Kong economy and do her shopping there. “The clothes in Hong Kong look pretty stylish. Although the prices are inexpensive, it is a shopping haven..”