
Tavia Yeung - The Equation Of Beauty

Tavia’s performance in [Beyond the Realm of conscience] was a total change from her usual image, and based on this drama, she won the [My Favourite Female Character],[Best actress] and [Best Performance] awards. Her career has reached new heights and she appears to be more confident. She has no problems handling clothes of different styles and is more feminine when she wears miniskirts. Her success and beauty is due to her confidence and hard work. Her popularity today is not due to chance.

Short Hair

If truth be told, Tavia’s short hair does catch my eye and has a refreshing style which matches her frank personality perfectly; it is not surprising that it received positive comments. All this while, she has kept her long hair; the image of a good person left a deep impression on many. She has a motive for cutting her hair short. “I have always wanted to try keeping short hair and change my image, but because my face is more suited for filming costume dramas, cutting my hair short would appear more modern and broaden myself to different aspects, boldly accepting my new image,” Tavia giggled.


In actual fact, Tavia has been working hard to change herself and trying to find her own style. She has struggled a lot in the past for her to be confident today. She was not sexy in the past and resisted wearing singlet. “In the past, I was persistent in my own ways, and feel that I should get the viewers attention through my acting skills. If you want to interview me, you can, but why must I wear so little? As I grow older, and with my manager’s guidance, I began to accept the different styles and become more confident.” The turning point of her beauty began in 2006 when she filmed [Dicey Business]. Due to the requirement of the role, she purposely tanned herself and when she wore sleeveless garment, she left a healthy and beautiful impression; confidence was built up gradually. When she wore a skirt during filming and posed she laughed and said: “Ha! Actually some clothes does not look attractive until you wear it.”


Tavia has her principles when it comes to wearing clothes. She prefers the Japanese style as it looks younger and has a wider variety. She dislikes the hassle; hence she would only patronize specific shops, or if given a chance, go to Japan to buy everything at one go.4 w8 L9 i& N% Y [+ m; W7 E. ^
When shopping in HK, it is unavoidable for people to point fingers, and Tavia says she likes bargaining. “Actually the price does not matter; it is about the process and the sense of achievement. There was a sale at a boutique in Causeway Bay and I shopped for over 3 hours. I bought many accessories and clothes; the bill was over a thousand dollars which means every piece cost about 200dollars.” Her face lit up as she said; she does not mind telling you how ordinary she is, her straightforward personality is rare. Summer is coming, and her style of her clothes will change with her hairstyle. Usually it was feminine, now it is more neutral and mature. This summer she will have a simple and refreshing image; singlet, shorts, and slippers should be her shopping targets.

Skin Maintenance

Tavia has a good figure and smooth and delicate skin which is a result of her hard work. She maintained her figure through exercise and mopping the floor. “Mopping the floor can reduce my mother’s burden, and reduce stress by perspiring, it is a good exercise. She loves doing spa which aids blood circulation, and applies skincare products that tighten the calf and arm areas and keep her figure. Talking about skincare, Tavia has sensitive skin and tends to have pimples more easily and filming requires her to stay up late in the night which causes her skin to be dry and dehydrated, hence she needs to follow the skin cleansing procedures and drink more soup for hydration.

Deep in thought

A busy work schedule, she says that she will reduce stress thoroughly by thinking. “I stay at home whenever I am not working. I want my mind to think of nothing, do nothing, not answer calls, not reply, and not worry about anything, just get enough rest and privacy. Because my job involves too much stress, there is not enough sleep and become haggard and irritable easily. Hence I want to clear my mind and prepare myself for the next job.”

She sets high standards for her job and herself, but fortunately she is optimistic, hence she can finish her job quite easily. For example that day before coming to the studio, she just finished 3 interviews and filming and is still looking good. “I detest taking photographs and make-up but I will self-motivate. You will be interviewed only when you are news-worthy. Hence I will prep myself up for filming so that I can go home early to rest. Actually Tavia is trying her best to fulfill the reporter’s request, to appear feminine and confident on-cam to attain the best results.

