
Him Law - What Do Men Believe

Chatting with Him Law, one word could be established -- "believe" (seun). It is not confidence (seun sum) nor is it trust (seun yung), it is rather for everything there are different stories to it, but which story do you choose to believe? 

Mid-2011, Him Law's ex-girlfriend Theresa Fu accused of beating and cheating on her. Him Law said, "beating" is just an exaggerated term used by the media. Cheating, he has never done it in his life. Who do you believe? 

Mid-2012, Him was involved in businessman Lau Ding Sing's nude photo scandal. Lau Ding Sing said he knows Him, but Him said he doesn't know him. Later in court, there was a photo of them together. Who do you believe?

3 months ago, Him and rumored girlfriend Tavia Yeung were accused of having 'car sex', but should we believe the photo that made big headlines of Tavia's face in between Him's thighs or what the couple claimed they were doing, "vomiting from all the drinking"?

Him debuted 8 years ago, but from all the gossips he's experienced within the past two years, each time it is you're saying something and he's saying something else; you believe in one story, he believes in another, bottom line is Him learned that you cannot defend yourself no matter how much you explain. He learned that men should just believe themselves.

In December, rumored girlfriend Tavia Yeung was crowned TV Queen at the annual TVB Anniversary Awards, while he didn't even win the newcomer award. The 28 year old expressed we must not believe in the traditional belief that a 'man inferior to a woman' relationship won't ever work out. Him said: "In this industry, we are forced to grow up. I don't feel I'm 5 years younger than her. I'm trying hard to make progress and when I think the time is right, I will still do a marriage proposal. Our statuses in the industry is not a barrier for us." 

"Luckily I'm Still Here" 

Him said he has been in the industry for 8 years, but as an actor, he's still a seed. On the contrary, Tavia, 5 years older than him, debuted 13 years ago and is already at the time of harvest in her career. She got the FaDan's highest honor, the TV Queen title. This 'woman superior to man, sister-brother' relationship naturally becomes the spotlight. That night, Him teared up emotionally for his girlfriend, of course that will become the main focus. He said:"Actually I cried when Koo Ming Wa and Oscar Leung won too, but the camera didn't show me... that Most Improved Actor award, I thought I could compete with Oscar until I saw his death scene in The Confidant. Then I knew I lost, but he deserved the win." 

"Every artist puts in a lot of effort and hard work into their work, I know. I always call Tavia Yeung and Kenneth Ma farmers. I've been in the series before, I know a series takes 3 months to film, shooting day and night and already losing your soul, even I need a break, time to rest and time to recharge in order to get into character, but they film series for the entire year. If they're not farmers silently plowing through, then what are they? Don't say it's a game, every one of those individuals didn't have it come easy, they need an award for some encouragement." 

The last time [FACE] had an interview with Him was two years ago after Your Class or Mines and Suspects in Love. Him just started his television series career then. After two years, Him said emotionally as soon he sat down, "I feel so lucky that I can still sit here for an interview! (Why?) I gained all kinds of experiences in the past two years, there was one point I thought it was game over for me and I could no longer stay in showbiz. I never been on the headlines before, I didn't know how big it could get; I've never been hurt before, I didn't know how to measure harm. Now everything is the past, I think pain isn't terrifying, the most terrifying is forgetting pain. One must remember the lessons they learned." 

The beating girlfriend incident, Him said: "That was the biggest lesson I learned. An artist shouldn't be so high-profile. Some things really should be handled in private. Although I cannot control feelings, next time I will try to avoid as much as possible dating colleagues from the same company." Last time Theresa Fu accused him of cheating on her and there were always reports that he had secret dates with his ex-girlfriend behind Tavia's back. Him denied everything:"No! Absolutely not! First, I don't have that ability. Second, I deeply believe there is karma in this world. You are unfaithful to someone, others won't be honest to me." Theresa Fu and Him were in the same company and started dating, but ended up as enemies, he said: "We don't keep in touch..." 

The 'car sex' incident, Him said he learned to make preparations in case he gets followed or photographed by the media. He said: "The saying is right, in this industry love and freedom are luxury. The first time people recognized me on the streets, they came over and complemented me. I enjoyed it...aiya, but celebrities are like this. Slowly, I started feeling people are watching me and taking pictures of me like I'm a monkey. Having to explain and tell the world about your relationships, the most difficult, is having to accept all kinds of criticisms. That's called a public figure, you may earn a higher income then others, but you sacrifice a lot more. You have to accept good and bad." 

TV Queen Needs Love Too 

The rumors with Tavia started out when they were filming The Hippocratic Crush. First, they were spotted on vacation to Korea together and then they were photographed in the same car. At the award ceremony, the two were treated as a couple, but Him was still unwilling to admit that he's currently dating the TV Queen, he said: "Why am I not admitting it? Because at this stage, there is nothing to admit. I think a man with no job, no achievements should not say anything. A man without a foundation in his career, it's useless to be in a relationship. My parents were divorce when I was very young, they got married and had kids too early, their mentalities haven't matured yet and had financial difficulty. Of course that led to more arguments. Because of their relationship, I especially long for a complete family. I want to have someone who could be with me until the very end, so establishing a foundation in my career is very important." 

An older woman-younger man relationship, perhaps the woman wants to hide it? Him denied:"I'm 5 years younger than her, but I don't think I'm more childish and I don't think my thoughts are inferior to hers. Girls are still girls, no matter what age they are, what status they have or how strong they appear on the outside. I think girls should be loved. Love should be mutual support and understanding. It is not just one side forcing it. How can I make my relationship and future marriage more stable, I know deep down in my heart. When I think I'm ready, I will go for it. No matter how strong she is, I don't think it is a barrie

